We've all felt it, the feeling of awe when you see a star shoot across the night sky. Why not plan your trip to StarStruck Glamping for the ultimate stargazing experience, with a meteor shower!? It is the inspiration for our eco lodge's name after all... StarStruck! It's how we felt the first night we camped out under these stars.
The top 3 things to consider when planning a stargazing trip are:
Light Pollution
Moon phase & rise/set time
Meteor Showers
Light Pollution
The Big Bend Region, & StarStruck Glamping, is one of the absolute best locations to be for Meteor showers & stargazing in general. It is a protected dark sky region, where there's no light pollution. It is one of the darkest regions in the entire country. So dark, that you can see the Milky Way with the naked eye.
Aside from geographical location, your localized light pollution will affect how well you see the stars. Any lights will deter from the absolute best visibility. So, be sure to turn off all lights near you. Even fire light affects your visibility - so if you have a fire going but want the best visibility, step away to get the full experience. It will take a moment for your eyes to adjust, so always look up for extended amounts of time & marvel at how you can see deeper into the cosmos the more you look! Also, if you are walking around & need light - use a red flashlight (which we provide for our guests). This is the light that lets off the least amount of pollution & will ensure the best visibility for you & those around you (while keeping you safe from poky plants & uneven terrain!).
The moon & all its phases will affect how dark or light the night is. The full moon is like a spotlight & is so bright it casts a shadow. This will interfere with star visibility. New Moons are the best time to see the stars since it is not casting light.
Yet another layer to keep in mind, is that the moon rises & sets at different times each day & night. So, for example, even if the moon happens to be in its gibbous phase, if it doesn't rise until 3 am & the sun sets at 7 pm... well you would have all night to stargaze without any light being cast from the moon.
Keep in mind, if the dates you are visiting any dark sky region don't line up with a new moon, or the moon rises early that night, you will still see the stars & it will still be an amazing experience. Fret not, the stars are still spectacular!
Meteor Showers
Finally, meteor showers are unlike any other experience. They foster a feeling of wonder. Couldn't we all use more wonder? :)
Fun Fact: Meteor showers occur at the same time each year because as the earth orbits around the sun annually it intersects the comet's orbit. Wahlahhh, beautiful light show.
Meteor showers have different frequencies, intensities & brightness. Some comets pass slowly with a long tail, others pass quickly & with high frequency, some are bright, others are dull, & some are colorful! We've even seen groups of stars shoot together in pairs or in 3's.
The most famous meteor shower is the Perseids shower, & for good reason - it has dependable & rewarding showers each year in August. Our personal favorite meteor shower is the Geminids shower, which occurs every December. It has the highest frequency of falling stars & they can also be colorful!
Do you have a favorite? Or are you just pumped each time you see a shooting star? No matter where you fall on the spectrum - we totally relate.
2022 Meteor Showers:
Dec 28th - Jan 12th - Quadrantids
Peak Jan 3rd
New Moon
Jan 31st - Feb 20th - Alpha Centaurids
Peak Feb 8th
First Quarter Moon
March 7th - March 23rd - Gamma Normids
Peak March 15
Waxing Gibbous Moon
April 14th - April 30th - Lyrids
Peak April 22nd
Waning Gibbous Moon
April 19th - May 28th - Eta Aquariids
Peak May 5th & 6th
Waxing Crescent Moon
June 2nd - July 2nd - June Bootids
Peak June 27th
New Moon
July 12th - August 23rd - Southern Delta Aquariids
Peak July 30th
Waxing Crescent Moon
July 17th - August 24th - Perseids
Peak Aug 12th
Waning Gibbous Moon
Sept 5th - Sept 21st - September Epsilon Perseids
Peak Sept 9th
Full Moon
Oct 2nd - Nov 7th - Orionids
Peak Oct 21st
Waning Cresent Moon
Nov 6th - Nov 30th - Leonids
Peak Nov 17th
Waning Crescent Moon
Dec 4th - Dec 20th - Geminids
Peak Dec 14th
Waning Gibbous Moon
Whenever you're in dark sky territory, don't forget to look up! The cosmos are one of the great wonders of existence. Earth looks out onto pretty stellar views when you can get away from the lights.
Book your visit to our 5 billion-star hotel in the West Texas desert. Each dome has a telescope - so you can take a closer look at the planets & stars! You will have an incredible & unforgettable experience. We can't wait to host you!